Why Holistic Coaching?

Panacea Path
2 min readJul 28, 2020

Holistic Coaching is about looking at your life as a whole, composed of interconnected parts that are all working together. Relationships, home, family, diet, exercise, profession are just a few examples. When we bring these systems into balance, we experience a wealth of emotional, mental, and physical well being.

All of us succeed in some areas of our lives and are challenged in others. Holistic Coaching is about celebrating where you thrive and identifying where you want to bring change. Some people are very successful in their profession but have difficulty nurturing their intimate relationships. Others are very good at caretaking but do not take care of themselves.

At Panacea Path, we understand that coming into balance in all parts of our life is the way to maintain health and wellness. Not taking care of our physical body has detrimental effects on our emotional state, our thoughts about ourselves, and our relationships. Equally so, the way we feel and the quality of our thoughts have a direct impact on our physical body.

The beauty of it is, we often already intuitively know what nourishes us. We instinctively know what we need.

So, I ask you, what is the one thing that you know you should be doing to create the life you desire? What are the obstacles? What is getting in your way? Is it an external situation? An outdated belief system? Perhaps right now, it is difficult to identify what your next step is.

Sometimes we need help focusing and support in breaking old, deeply rooted habits. Sometimes we need someone to ask the right questions. This is where Holistic Coaching comes in. We target the areas where you want to bring change into your life and create a roadmap for those goals. Be it a healthier lifestyle, cultivating deeper relationships, or entering the next stage of your career. They are all possible next steps along the Panacea Path.



Panacea Path

Panacea Path offers holistic life coaching and creative health and wellness services that guide you toward self-healing.